Program settings
Re-run on failed resources
One of the important program options is the re-run on failed resources. There is statistics which shows that with the large resources lists using re-run you can increase the number of successful resources by about 10%. For example, during the execution time some resources may not be available or not respond within the time allotted. And if restarting the run on the list of failed resources you increase the number of successful ones. Everything is automatic; you only need to enable the appropriate option. In addition, you can set limitations, a certain condition, in case it is satisfied - to perform a re-run. -
Number of invalid registrations
During execution, there are situations when the captcha will be misunderstood, it will be occupied by a nickname, an incorrect answer to a secret question and other errors variations. You can set the number of attempts for registration, authorization, setting the value in the field: "Number of failed registration". In case if there is an error during the runtime, xneolinks will retry. When attempts are exhausted, the resource will fall into the list of unsuccessful ones with the error "the number of attempts exceeded". In some cms, if comments are enabled, an attempt will be made to comment. -
Settings for cms analysis
During the cms checking time, some resources can respond for a long time, in other words, it takes a long time to download. During the waiting time, the corresponding option is answered, it shows the time in seconds, by default, it is 35 seconds. The program makes requests for additional internal pages, so the total waiting time of one website checking can be higher. In addition, you can re-analyze the website, in case it does not respond, open special options and enable "Repeat verification if the server did not respond in time». You can also enable logging to check cms and determine the reason why certain resource failed. What answers were returned by the website and how quickly it was performed. For this, enable the appropriate option "Save unsuccessful page". During operation, the program will create two folders: /log/ - here is the general information on the cms analysis performing process. /Snapshots pages/ - the server replies, all pages received from the resource, including internal ones, will be saved here. Each resource is stored in a separate folder, and each file with the answer has the name - the runtime, guided by this name, you can determine which page returned this response by log in the /log/ folder. -
Report format
You can select the report type which the program will create upon completion of work or when requesting an interim report. You can choose one of 4 options: HTMLv2 HTML TXT XML DataTable You can open XML in excel and sort data as you want. The DataTable format is html report analogue without beautiful formatting, with the ability to search and sort. -
Mail settings
If you do not enable the "Use your mail from the list" option, the program will create a new mailbox on the selected mail service. You can set the number of attempts to find the letter, the delay before the last attempt the mail check. These settings will affect the completion time of the last resource at the 2nd step. For the rest of the time, the program will automatically search for emails and will not complete this process until the maximum wait time has elapsed to check the last website in the queue at the 3d step. The time is specified in seconds. If during the program operation time the Internet or mail were lost for any reasons, the program will try to reconnect after 20 seconds. You can set the number of possible attempts. If the number of attempts to restore the connection failed, the program will be paused, and you will be asked to change the used mail. Additionally, you can automatically remove the used mail, this option is excellently combined with the option "overloading on unsuccessful" or working with project queues, every time when the execution is started, mail will be removed from the list. Thus, a new mail will be used in each new execution. This will eliminate the situation when the used mail will be already occupied. You can use a special function to propagate mailing names and create hundreds of aliases. You can use this, in conjunction with catchall, when from all the addresses the mail will come to one address. Additionally, you can enable the option "Delete emails from mail after its removal", every time the program receives a message, it will automatically remove it. You can’t change mail settings during the runtime, it is possible just before running. Note During the run time, it is impossible to remove emails from the mail. The program remembers position of the last received message and if you remove the letters while working, this will lead to incorrect execution. If you start working with the program for the first time, we recommend checking the data received by the program. Xneolinks should unload all new letters, i.e. you can verify by opening a web client for mail and opening the mail manager utility in the program. If the data is different, something is wrong. The files is created in the program directory \Logs\Mail\, you can check performance by examining this files. -
OCR settings
When working with recognition services (OCR), you have the ability to prioritize execution. In the screenshot below, the parameter which is responsible for the execution priority is displayed. For example, you specified 2 services: Antigate with priority 1. 2captcha with priority 2. When performing the first step, the captcha for recognition will be sent to Antigate, because it has the smallest value in the priority parameter. In case if Antigate returned ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE (the worker could not guess the captcha) or any other error, the image will be sent to the Rucaptcha service. If rucaptcha returns an error, the first attempt will be terminated. If you specify more than 2 services, the image will be sent to the service with the following priority. Each OCR may have configured allowable number of attempts in case of an error before the change. If you have zero balance, the service will be disabled. If all services don’t have money, there will appear the captchas for manual input, you can exclude this situation by turning on the option: "Disable manual input of captcha", in this case the program will not send captcha, thus, the results may deteriorate if OCR is not connected. "Not to send duplicate captchas to OCR" option allows you to process similar images in case if there are two similar answers. This option allows you to save and reduce costs in OCR. You can save all loaded captchas in \app data\roaming\xneolinks\captcha, for this you need enable option "Disable data deletion from captcha folder", the option will be useful if you want to train the OCR program to automatically recognize the captchas you need. It is possible to change OCR settings by pausing the program. Work with OCR can be analyzed in a special utility "Log Manager", we'll this information later in the chapter about utilities. -
Built-in OCR
Built-in OCR supports more than 1000 different types of captcha and allows you to significantly save the budget or work completely autonomously, without paid OCR services. A few examples of supported captcha To enable the built-in OCR you need to enable the corresponding option and configure the required number of attempts allocated to this OCR. By default, 3 repetition attempts are allocated to the built-in OCR. Embedded OCR has the highest priority and is always performed first. -
Solve hard captcha
For start, need enable option: "Enable solve hard captcha". How solve recaptcha v2, v3, invisible? Need enable three additional options "Unlocking ReCaptchaV2 without sending a picture" and "sending a proxy and url to OCR", captcha will be recognized. If you want to disable the recognition ReCaptcha, need disable next options: "Unlocking ReCaptchaV2 without sending a picture". "Sending a proxy and url to OCR". Recognition available only in Xevil/capmonster, 2captcha and antigate API. How solve key-captcha? Need enable only one option "Enable solve hard captcha". Recognition available only in 2captcha API. -
Text captchas
In addition, you can turn on the recognition of text captcha, these are the secret questions on the registration pages, for example, "in what year did Yuri Gagarin fly into space?" At the moment, employees in OCR services cope with this task extremely badly, we recommend using sending secret questions only via question and answer manager (a special utility), there you can complain about wrong answers and refund money for unsuccessful attempts. All the answers will be saved for later use. Additional Xneolinks supports its own OCR for recognizing text questions and has a built-in database of 15,000+ secret questions, and when you turn on the built-in OCR, you can search for an answer in the database for additional 20,000+ secret questions, as well as the built-in OCR can recognize and solve some complex, dynamic questions and give the answer to them, without resorting to an additional database. Xneolinks built-in functions allow you to solve mathematical problems, or questions where you want to retype a word, or enter it backwards. In fact, the program has everything you need to automatically solve basic issues. -
OCR programs
In addition to services, you can connect programs for automatic recognition of OCR. Connection instructions are available on the following links: Xevil Captcha Sniper 5 CapMonster2 Captcha Breaker Additional In addition to capmonster2, you can set individual parameters for the desired resource. For example, specify captcha type. -
Setting up indexing acceleration services
These services do not guarantee 100% result and we can’t guarantee it too. All services were added at the request of several users and are not mandatory for use. You can speed up indexing yourself or wait for natural indexing. Services connection is intuitively clear and does not need a detailed description, specify the key, enable links sending to the service. -
Proxy settings
Each proxy must be specified from a new line. For each separately started thread, a new proxy from the list is taken. If it is unavailable, or responds to the request for too long, the following available proxy will be used. If the specified proxy number is less than the threads number, proxies will be used in the linked mode by queue. To activate a proxy, enable two options: «Use proxy» «Use proxies for get queries» In browser post/get requests are used to check the presence of modules in the cms, to verify the link correctness. It is possible to disable using proxy when checking cms, for this, enable the option "disable proxy when checking cms". You can use proxy at the mail creation stage only. To do this, you need to enable "use proxy for email registration" option, when activating the option, when running in browser proxies will not be used. You can change the principle of working with proxy by activating the option "Change proxy after N registrations", in this case, for first N threads one proxy will be used, for the following N ones - another. Where you can specify N in the settings. "Update proxy list" option is needed in case you download a proxy from a file or from the Internet. You can choose a path both on the local computer and on API on the Internet. Proxy validation (availability) is checked by the URL specified in the settings, you can change this. Specify the website address and the text which should be found on the page. To check the data correctness, click on the button: "Check entered data", the check will be performed without using a proxy. -
System settings
Select the place where you would like to see the reports on the program. By default these are my documents, Xneolinks folder, all reports are structured and stored by dates and numbers in separate folders. The program work is reliable and eliminates possibility of data loss, but if you constantly need intermediate reports, you can activate their creation. In the path settings you can set the directory where your avatars are located. By specifying the path to avatars, the program will download them and select random one from the list, supported format is ".png", ".gif", ".jpeg", ".jpg". Note Most resources use maximum height and width 100x100 as well as a minimum height and width 60x60 standards for avatars. Try to make your avatar match the given sizes. "Automatic close opening windows" option will close all dialog boxes that offer to keep any information, because execution occurs in the browser and full emulation is carried out, there are situations when going to the resource it offers to download some program or file so that the work does not stop, Xneolinks automatically processes and closes the data of the box. You can disable this option while the program is running, if you need to save some information in another program. "Separate failed the type of error" option will change the reports format. By default all unsuccessful resources will be saved in one file and will not be sorted. When the option is enabled, several text files will be created, where the error resources will be divided into groups. "Do not display CMS" - in the HTML report, in each resource there is written cms, you can disable this. "Turn logs execution of macros" and "Enable creating screenshots in the logs". Options will be extremely useful if you are planning to expand the program logic and use macros yourself. Based on the macros work results there will be created the file in folder /macros/debug/ that will contain information about the way the execution was performed, whether the field was filled, whether the button was clicked, what information was on the page and at what stage and other useful information.In addition, you can enable the screenshots creation, then screenshots will be created at each stage of macro, but we don’t recommend you using this option because it is not stable and is used solely to learn the construction of macros and visualize of something that is happening in the browser. "Save logs captcha", you can: monitor the captcha recognition process, see what OCR services return, see at what websites captchas were found, save them separately and much more using the "Captcha log manager" utility. "Switch on restart", there are resources which have bad Javascript code, this can lead to memory leaks, slow down and the only way to exclude these resources from work is restarting the browser, for this purpose this option is intended. You can restart the browser every N minutes. For example, by setting the restart once every 40 minutes, when the necessary time is reached, the program will suspend the launch of new threads, terminate the existing ones and subsequently the browser will be restarted, even if some thread does not respond for a long time. -
Publications settings
It is possible to configure program and directory operation modes in which the program will create a topic in the forum in priority order. You can specify more than one directory using the separator "|". Using "Directories settings" option, you can create topics at the places where you need it, creating the relevant content. "Allow to comments", activates the mode of commenting, news, guest books. The posting of comment will be made if other ways of placement are not found. If the mode is not activated, the logic responsible for this is enabled and does not commit unnecessary actions. Commenting has the lowest priority. "Allow to create topics", if the mode is active, at the very beginning of posting, the program will try to create a topic on the forum if it is available or if the website is built on the forum cms. The program will select the directory specified by you or the random one if the first was not found. The mode has the highest execution priority. "Publish articles post factum" (Publish articles by the past date), when creating a blog entry, you can select the publication date, when this option is activated, the program will publish the article by the past date, for example, now is 2017, and Xneolinks will indicate 2016. "Enable macros in texts and articles", you can activate the support of special macros, which are described here: For example, you can download articles from the file, download random 5 successful links and specify them in your article during the runtime and more. "Existing User Mode" (Mode from existing user), you can skip the step of creating an account, if you already have an account, interactions with the "profile manager" utility you can register an account for each website or import data from the report. When the mode is activated, execution will begin immediately with authorization. "Off checking links" (Disable link checking in articles and profiles, when starting), this option should be treated with maximum attention, you can turn off the verification of the correctness of filling the project at the start of the program, in this case you will be able to run the project without references and post, but in case of an error or lack of references in the project, the program will not be able to determine the post success, even if everything went right. Xneolinks program is looking only for successfully posted links, and if they are absent, the post is considered incorrect. The option will be relevant for those who need to post information without links. One more use of the option, if you want to delete the links in the profile, you can use this option in conjunction with "Existing User Mode". If you do not specify links, they will be automatically removed when filling the profile. "Answer mode to topics" (only answers in topics mode), this mode will work only in cms, where the forum is installed. When this mode is activated, all others become inactive. To use this mode, you must specify a full link to the page with the topic where you are planning to post the response. Important Be sure to enable the modes carefully. For example, if you enable the mode from an existing user, do not specify accounts or risk to forget that it is enabled in some time, this will result in the report errors. -
Additional settings
Navigation: Indication User Agent Navigation type Images, css, js, flash Browser type Waiting for the page to load Indication Configure criteria for the necessary links, you can check the links for indexing availability, by 4 parameters: Nofollow Noindex (actual for the Yandex search engine, rel="noindex") Meta-tags robots.txt If you need 100% opened to indexing links only, you can enable "Not to save links with prohibitions to the main report", nevertheless the program will post the links, but they will not be included in the main report, they will be saved in a separate file. Later you can exclude these resources from the database. User Agent In addition, you can configure the "User Agent" for the browser, select from the list of standard or specify your own. Navigation type The navigation type is responsible for the speed of page loading, "standard waiting" implies a more detailed page analysis, greater accuracy, reliability and, accordingly, takes considerably longer time than the "Maximum fast page loading". The option aimed at the fastest possible result can significantly speed up the program, but for effective use, you need a fast connection and a lack of resources that respond to your requests slowly. You can perform one run in the fastest mode, and subsequent in "standard mode". Images, css, js, flash In addition, you can enable superfluous information in the browser: Images CSS Flash Javascript Disabling these parameters can speed up execution, reduce resource consumption, but can also worsen the breakdown; in particular, some captchas which use css, as well as disabling images can lead to the inability of some captchas, for example, which are in the background form. Browser type Default (default browser, which you can see in all previous versions of the program). Chrome 21 (an updated version of the default browser, which includes fixing a number of errors, including improving performance and increasing stability). Chrome 67 Beta (The modern version of the browser, including improved javascript support, graphical visualization of the process). By choosing this type of browser you can track the progress. The choice of the browser is available only for working with macros, the experimental chrome browser is available. Some resources have individual features and only for them this function may be required. In addition, the chrome browser can be made visually active and you can watch the way your macros are executed. *old Waiting for the page to load Waiting for the page to load is responsible for the maximum waiting for a response from the server. Additionally, you can reset default settings. The function will be useful if you have the program does not work correctly and you do not know what the matter is. The default settings are aimed at the result and are optimal. The only thing that is important to do is described in the directory: "Quick start". Note After changing the settings, do not forget to save them. If you’re planning to start execution immediately, you do not need to save the settings, they are saved automatically when the execution starts.
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