There are situations when at the registration stage there is a field with a unique name or special requirements for filling. With this function, you can change or add the filling of the required field for a specific resource.
For example, at the registration stage, there is a field "Hair color", you can use this function, create filling and enter information: "blond" or "black." Let’s see the example.
First of all, you need to determine which field you need to fill in order to open the registration page in any browser. Suppose you need to fill out the "Education" field, in the screenshot it is highlighted in red:
It is necessary that the value "Higher" is selected in this field. After you have finished with the field and its meaning, you need to open the source code of the page, most often it can be done with the ctrl + u key combination, if these keys do not work, right-click on the page and select the "source code" option. Having opened the source code of the page via the search (ctrl + f) find the location of this field in the code, for this enter the text "Education" in the search.
Having found the necessary part of the code, it is necessary to pay attention to the selected elements. The first is the type of the field, in this case it is select. The second is the element name, in this case it is pf_obraz. Third, the answer that needs to be selected. After receiving all the necessary data, they must be indicated in the program:
Add data to the database. Later you can easily edit your settings in the neighboring area by clicking on the "Edit field base" button.
When filling out you can use macros developed for filling data, you can find out supported macros at this link: