In the field "links from which we subtract", you can specify the links from which it is necessary to remove inappropriate links, and in the field "links which we subtract" the links that must be removed from the main list. Links will be deleted by domain, so it’s not necessary to specify them exactly as in the main list. You can specify only a word, for example by writing "seo", all links containing the sequence of characters "seo" will be deleted.
Each link or "stop word" must be indicated strictly from a new line.
In the “Subtract links” tab, there is an option that prevents deletion by patterns that may be present in all links, which will prevent the deletion of unnecessary information.
For example, if you accidentally specify “http://” in the list, this could lead to the removal of all links that begin with “http://”. You can specify your information, in this case, at startup, first all information contained in the “Garbage Links” settings will be deleted, and then “Subtraction” will be performed.