After running the program, you get to the main menu, where you can set up a list of links and articles.
The format for links and articles settings is different, that’s why we are looking through the setting in separate sections.
The screenshot shows the area where you need to enter your links with the anchor text.
It is important to follow the supported by the program format, if these are bbcode links, you need to enter them like this:
[url=]my website[/url]
Each link pointed by you should be started with the new line, it is - a separator. During the working process the program will use its own link for each website from the base settings, if the links number is not enough, random link will be used.
We recommend using the anchor text near the link, if you it is impossible to post the link with the anchor text on the website. For example, you can specify only no anchor link, in this case the program will try to post the anchor text without reference in one of the fields, for example "About" "Biography" and other, in order to increase the relevance and naturalness.
An example with the anchor text in HTML format:
Недавно я нашёл интересную идею для <a href="">моего сайта</a>. Я буду рассказывать о садоводстве. Я придумал идею для <a href="">сайта</a>. Теперь я веду блог о садоводстве. А кто-нибудь из вас увлекается садоводством? Я сделал <a href="">сайт</a> об этом. Здесь <a href=""></a> я рассказываю о садоводстве. О своём опыте, достижениях и планах.
Each line is a separate link and the anchor text. You can specify only the links. One line can have more than one link, but in case if it’s impossible to post everything, only the first one will be posted.
You can use the {||||} constructs in the text. In this case, there is used conception: you can specify a new template for reproduction in each new line. It is impossible to use only one text, specifying it in one line, in this case a random variation will always be used, according to the construction {||||}.
This information will be used for filling profiles, for comments (if this mode is enabled).